Gender Equality Plan


Gender budgeting and remuneration policy


To guarantee equal pay between women and men, improving the control of factors that can lead to direct or indirect discrimination between women and men regarding remuneration.

Gender Budgeting

Measure 7.1

Budgets are not gender-neutral in their effects. Gender sensitive budgets can contribute to gender equality. The main objectives of “gender budgeting” are: a) to promote equity, efficiency and effectiveness in the planning and implementation of ICM policies; b) to favour transparency in the allocation and redistribution of resources; c) to increase awareness through information and stakeholders’ involvement; and d) to increase the development of human capabilities from an equality perspective.

The main purpose of this measure is to introduce gender equality into the budgetary process. This means a gender-based assessment of budgets, incorporating a gender perspective at all levels of the budgetary process and restructuring revenues and expenditures in order to promote gender equality. Being aware of the budget level of gender impact is the first step to start a process of institutional change.

Main actions:

Gender Pay Gap: analysis and action

Measure 7.2

The Gender Pay Gap (PGP) is a key indicator to assess pay policy from a gender perspective; the GPG is defined as the difference between the average pay of women and men, for equal positions, expressed as a percentage.

This indicator highlights the extent to which various factors combine to undermine effective equality between women and men in the workplace. Some of these factors are horizontal segregation, differences between women and men in promotion and access to positions of responsibility (vertical segregation/glass ceiling) or the greater weight of work-life balance efforts among women.

This measure aims to assess the transparency of retributive policy and whether there is a wage gap between women and men, and to address the factors that favours it.

Main actions: